Hello everyone-
I'm sorry that is has been so long since I have posted. I was sick for a good 3-4 days and I had a really bad attitude, so I thought that probably wasn't the best time to write a blog post. I was blaming South Asia for a lot of things that probably weren't South Asia's fault...it may have been though.
These past two weeks have FLOWN. I'll try to catch you up to speed, then tell you some thoughts that I have been challenged with.
Last week was my first cricket match! Oh. My Gosh. It was incredible. It took me at least two hours to even begin to understand what was happening before my very eyes, but once the guys from the office were kind enough to walk me through the game, I fell in love with the sport. As most of you all know, this isn't a difficult task to fulfill. If it's competitive, I'm probably going to enjoy it. The cricket stadium was the most at home I have felt outside of my apartment...kind of. Let me explain. South Asia is in no way organized and there is usually mass chaos. In the Cricket stadium everyone was sitting down and had one common purpose....to cheer the Super Kings on to victory. It was just comforting to be with thousands of people that were all focused on one thing AND there were no horns honking in the stadium. If I haven't said this already, there are ALWAYS horns. Always. Don't worry, I'm not hating on the chaos, I'm usually amused by it, but it was very enjoyable to get a break in the Cricket stadium.
The cricket stadium |
My new friends in our Super Kings Jerseys :-) |
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This is an auto...and some stinkin cute kids. |
Luke 6:27-31
"but to you who are listening I say: Love you enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you."
I read this passage in Estonia this summer, but have been reminded of it during the past few weeks. It would probably be more comfortable to ignore this command, but I can't. GIVE TO EVERYONE WHO ASKS YOU. Jesus knew how big of a challenge this would be for believers, but he still commanded this of us. I did some research and this verse is in reference to poverty. What challenges me about this verse is that when someone asks for money my thoughts are "well, what if they use it to buy drugs" or "what if they aren't really in need?" I have all these excuses in my head. Unfortunately, Jesus doesn't say "Give to everyone who asks you...unless they look like a drug addict."
Matthew 5:42 is the same story..."give to the one who asks you."
All this goes to say that I have been praying through how to wisely respond to the need around me. If they ask...I will give. The question is what do I give? How much do I give? Food or 5 rupees? If any of you have any advice or wisdom on this subject...or really any subjects, I would love to hear it. This is just something that has consistently been on my heart.
I will finish with something that I really like about South Asia. That something is that not only are there many stray dogs here, but there are also many stray cows and goats. There is something really amusing about turning a street corner and just seeing a cow roaming around. No owner. No rope collar. Nothing. It's a STRAY cow. Imagine seeing stray cows walking around South Tulsa. Yeah right...well I guess that's kind of possible. Picture it in NYC instead, that's definitely more fun.
One more random thought. Yesterday my roommate saw two men on a motorcycle and one had a washing machine over his head. Yep, just let that one sink in. It happened.
Here are some random pictures of the city and of the market we went to a few weeks ago.
A sad bull. |
The market we went to a few weeks ago...it was awesome and crazy at the same time. |
I went to the beach today...it was beautiful. |
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post! You're wonderfully honest and beautiful! I hope you'll share the wisdom and advice others share with you about this topic. I think we could all benefit! Bless you! We're praying for you! The Crums
ReplyDeletewww.missionfrontiers.org is a missions magazine. This month is about poverty and some of the things that we, as westerners, do right and wrong. It has some good things to say.
Also, in regards to human trafficking, giving people money is not a good idea. Food or water, or even socks, etc. would be more helpful and not taken by the perpetrator. When we were in Vietnam, we were told not to give beggars money unless really prompted by the Holy Spirit, because it could be used for drugs, alcohol, or glue to sniff.
Just totally lean on the Spirit's direction and you'll know what to do.
Develop a relationship with the ones you can and introduce them to the living water and the bread of life. Praying for you.
LeeAnn Lewis (Paul's mom)
Woohoo! Sounds like a good, enriching, hard, fun time! Love youuuu
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. I am challenged by your reflections upon Jesus's teaching! Keep up the pictures.